AHNS Cancer Prevention Service Members: The application period for the 2024 Community Service Awards has closed, and it’s time to review and score the applications.
- Right-Click the names in the left-hand column below to access the applications (right-clicking will allow you to open the application up in a separate window so you don’t leave the scoring page – if you don’t right click, just hit the back arrow when you’ve finished reading the proposal and that will take you back to the scoring page – if applications are submitted as word docs, they will download instead of open up).
- After reviewing each application, please rank them 1 to 5, 1 being the Strongest and 5 being the Weakest. You can save this scoring page and continue it later if you’re not able to knock it out all at once. Use the text box at the bottom if you need to leave any comments on an applicant.
- We need to complete the scoring within the next two weeks, finishing up by Monday, March 25th. Let me know if you have any issues accessing the applications.
Applicants submit a proposal in the form of a letter, containing a detailed description of the project, including:
- The targeted population;
- The methods to be used;
- The expected outcome;
- The expected impact on community health and/or on our knowledge and understanding of head and neck cancer prevention and early detection;
- The estimated/actual cost, of the project;
- Any other available funding.
AHNS awards four $1,000 awards, and the HNCA provides a 5th international award, also $1,000.
Any questions or issues with this form or the applications, please contact AHNS Associate Executive Director jj Jackman.