Practice Contact Information
Houston Methodist Hospital
Suite 1661
United States
Phone: 713-441- 5155
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Areas of surgical specialization in Head and Neck Surgery
Endocrine Surgery, Head and Neck Surgeon
Presently practicing Surgical Oncology, Endocrine Surgery, and Head and Neck Surgery as a member of the Department of Surgery at Houston Methodist Hospital. Prior professional development and training at Vanderbilt University, University of Louisville School of Medicine, UT Southwestern Residency in Surgery, and Fellowship and Faculty position at MD Anderson Cancer Center. My mentors have imbedded in me a broad expertise applied to my vast experience in patient care. My skillset is applied to patients with thyroid tumors benign and malignant, hyperparathyroidism, adrenal tumors some functional, melanoma, complex skin malignancies, salivary gland tumors, and oral cancer. Preservation of function and good cosmetic result are preferred in applying modified radical neck dissection as taught to me by the Pioneer of this surgery Dr. Alando J Ballantyne.
Clinical Trials
- General Biographical Information
- Full Name: Gilchrist Lewis Jackson, MD, FACS
Licensure: Texas E7628 February 20, 1977
Kentucky September 9, 1976
- Citizenship: USA
- Education:
- Undergraduate: Vanderbilt University, BA, 1966-1970
- Medical School: University of Louisville
School of Medicine, MD, 1970-1974
- Postgraduate Training:
Internship: Straight Surgical Parkland Memorial Hospital, 1974-1975
Dallas, Texas
Residency in Surgery University of Texas at Southwestern
Affiliated Hospitals, 1975-1979 General Surgery Dallas, Texas
Fellowship in Surgical Oncology The University of Texas MD Anderson
Hospital and Tumor Institute Houston, Texas, 1979-1980
B. Academic Appointments:
- Current faculty positions:
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery at Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Texas at Houston, School of Medicine.
Adjunct Assistant Surgeon, Department of Surgical Oncology, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Previous faculty positions:
Faculty Associate: Surgical Oncology/ Head and Neck Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor institute. Houston, Texas 1980-1981.
Assistant Instructor, Dept. of Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical School, 1977-79.
C. Other advanced training/experience:
Advanced Training Courses:
Laser laparoscopic cholecystectomy program. Institute for the Advancement of Laser Surgery. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Cedar Sinai Medical Center. Los Angeles, California October 15-16, 1990.
Advanced laparoscopic Surgery-Nissen fundoplication, and vagotomy; Ethicon Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio; Nov. 7, 1994.
Advanced laparoscopic Surgery at University of Dundee, Scotland; Surgical Skills Unit; Professor Cuschieri; July 18-22, 1995.
Sages 1998 Postgraduate Course: Session 1: Laparoscopic Hiatal Surgery, Session 2: Laparoscopic Intestinal Surgery. Seattle, Washington April 1998.
Minimally Invasive Nodal Staging for Early Stage Melanoma and Breast Cancer. Merrick Ross MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, Texas September 10, 1998.
Post Graduate Courses:
Physician in Management I and II Course, American College of Physician Executives, 2000. 2001
Ultrasound for Surgeons Image-Guided Breast Biopsy Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound
American College of Surgeons Meeting, April 1999, New York, NY
Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Neck, American College of Surgeons Meeting, October 2010
D. Other Information
- Honors, Awards: Vanderbilt University:
President, Alpha Psi Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1970.
University of Louisville School of Medicine:
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 1973-74
A.J. Miller Scholarship, 1972-1974
Mosby Book Award, 1973
President of AOA Honor Medical Society, 1973-1974 Upjohn Achievement Award, 1974
A.J. Miller Award, 1974 Graduated with High Honors, 1974
Chief Resident in General Surgery, University of Texas at Southwestern Affiliated Hospitals, 1978-1979.
Jesse Jones Scholarship Award, University of Texas MD Anderson Hospital, 1979-1980 International Who’s Who in Medicine, 1985
Sword of Hope Award, Greater Houston Unit of the American, Cancer Society for chairmanship of the Service and Rehabilitation Committee 1983-1985.
Sword of Hope Award, Greater Houston Unit of the American, Cancer Society for chairmanship of the Medical Committee 1985-1987.
Texas Breast Screening Project Award, ACS, 1987
Listed in Best Doctors in America, Central Region, 1996-97, 1998-99 edition Elected by his peers for inclusion in Best Doctors in America from 1996 to 2016. Listed in First Edition of W ho’s Who in Medicine and Healthc are, 1997 edition.
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Silver 25th Edition, 1997-1998 International Who’s Who of Professionals 1998
America’s Top Doctors. The Best in American M edicine: Americ a’s Top Doctors and Hospitals. A Castle Connolly Guide. 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Best Doctors in America 2005-6, 2011-12. America’s Best Physicians 2015
America’s Top Doctors for Cancer, 2005, 2008, 2014, 2018
Who’s Who in the World, 2003-4, 2017
Who’s Who in America, 2003-4
The Leading Healthcare Professionals of the World, 2012
Leading Physicians of the World, 2017
Top Doctors: Southeastern Texas, Castle Connolly Top Doctor, 2012, 2013 Texas Super Doctors, Texas Monthly. 2005-2018
The Leading Physicians of the World, International Association of Healthcare Professionals (IAHCP) 2013
The Global Directory of Who’s Who, 2014. Top Doctor in Surgery, 10th Anniversary Edition
Texas S State Chair of the American College of Surgeons, Commission on Cancer, Cancer Liaison Program 1998-2002
- Board Certification:
American Board of Surgery. February 4, 1980, October 13, 1989 (recertified) Scaled score 95 (99.85th percentile of 1997 examinees)
Recertified Oct. 1998. (98th percentile).
Recertified Feb 2009
Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners of the USA, July 1, 1975 Total Score – 99th Percentile
- Other non-academic positions:
Research Assistant to William Christopherson, Chairman, Department of Pathology, University of Louisville, School of Medicine. 1972-1974
II. Research Information:
- Research Support:
No funded projects
B. National Scientific Participation:
- Journal Boards:
Reviewer, Head and Neck Surgery, Journal for Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck, 1989-92.
- Review Panels-N/A
- Professional societies:
American Association of Endocrine Surgeons, 2003 to present
The Society of Physicians of St. Luke, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital American College of Surgeons
Society of Head and Neck Surgeons (Until 1998) American Society for Head and Neck Surgery (until 1998)
American Head and Neck Society (1998 to present-two societies merged) Society of Surgical Oncology
Societe’ Internationale de Chirurgie (International Society of Surgery)
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (2018 to present)
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (inactive) American Cancer Society
Parkland Surgical Society
Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical Society Texas Medical Association
Houston Surgical Society,
President 2002-2003, President Elect 2001-2002,
Treasurer 1997-99, assistant Secretary 1996-97, Secretary 2000-2001. Harris County Medical Society
UT MD Anderson Associates Southwestern Surgical Congress Texas Surgical Society
International Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care
American Society of General Surgeons (inactive)
- Presentations:
Jackson, G.L., and Thal, ER “Management of Stab Wounds of the Back and Flank.” Presented at the 38th Annual Society for the Surgery of Trauma, September 14-16, 1978, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Jackson, G.L., and Brink, BE “Surgical Management of Rupture of the Liver Associated with Pregnancy, Report of Three Cases with a Description of the Use of Hepatic Artery Embolization.” Presented at Coller Society Meeting, Bend, Oregon, and October 1978.
Jackson, G.L., and Thal, ER “Management of Stab Wounds of the Back and Flank.” (Extended Abstract). Presented at Resident Section, Society of University Surgeons, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 1979; North Texas Chapter ACOS, April 1979.
Ballantyne, A.J., Byers, RM., Guillamondegui, O.M., Goepfert, H., Jesse, R.H., Larson, DL and Jackson, G.L. “Modification of the Radical Neck Dissection.” Scientific exhibit at the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois, October 1979. Texas Medical Association, Houston, Texas, May 1980.
Hickey, R.C., Samaan, NA, and Jackson, G.L. “Hypercalcemia in Patients with Breast Cancer: Osseous Metastases, Hyperplastic Parathyroid Tissue or Pseudohyperparathyroidism?” Presented at the Eighty-eighth Annual Session, Western Surgical Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, and November 17, 1980.
Jackson, G.L., and Ballantyne, A.J. “The Role of Parotidectomy for Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck.” Presented at Joint Meeting, The Society of Head and Neck Surgeons and the American Society for Head and Neck Surgery, Phoenix, Arizona, March 8-11, 1981.
Jackson, G.L., “Oral Cancer,” Presentation to the Houston Dental Society, October 1981.
Ballantyne, A.J., and Jackson, G.L. “Synchronous Bilateral Neck Dissection.” Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, Marco Island, Florida, April 18-23, 1982.
Jackson, G.L., Luna, MA, and Byers, RM. “The Results of Surgery Alone and Surgery Combined with Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer of the Parotid Gland.” Presented at the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons Meeting in New Orleans, May 4-8, 1983.
Jackson, G.L. and Katz, R.L. “A Surgeon’s Experience with Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Thyroid Nodules.” 8th Annual Reunion Inter-Capitular Meeting of the American College of Surgeons held in Monterey, Mexico, March 13-16, 1985.
Jones, LA, Jackson, G.L., et al. Per Cent non -Protein-Bound and Per Cent Albumin-Bound Estradiol as a Possible Biomarker for Breast Cancer.” 8th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 1985.
Jackson, G.L., Luna, MA, and Byers, RM. “The Results of Surgery Alone and Surgery Combined with Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer of the Parotid Gland.” 8th Annual Reunion Inter-Capitular Meeting of the American College of Surgeons held in Monterey, Mexico, March 13-16, 1985.
Jackson, G.L., “Fine Needle Aspiration of the Thyroid,” Surgery Conference, Ben Taub Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, December 1986.
Jones, LA, Ryan, B., McClamant, SK, Jackson, G.L., Ota, DM, “Percent Non-Protein Bound (NPBE) and Percent Albumin Bound (ABE) Estradiol as Biomarkers for Breast Cancer (BCE).” Biennial International Breast Cancer Conference, March 1-5, 1987.
Hopwood, V.L., Pathak, S., Hortobagyi, G., Jackson, G.L., “Involvement of Chromosome Number One in Familial Breast Cancer,” 14th Annual Texas Genetics Society Meeting, College Station, Texas, April 3, 1987.
Jackson, G.L., Jones, LA, Ota, DM, Vernon, S., Vogel, V., Pathak, S., Hopwood, V., Htain, M., Conoley, P., Kemp, K., “Breast Cancer Screening-Individualized Risk Assessment and Application of New Research Technology: Non-Protein Bound Estradiol and Chromosome Analysis.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Community Cancer Centers, Washington, DC, March 16-19, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., Katz, R., “Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy-Personal Experience in a Large Multispecialty Clinic.” Published in the meeting proceedings of the Second International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Boston, MA, August 1-5, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., “Parathyroidectomy with Autotransplantation.” Nursing Staff Development Program, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, August 8, 1988.
Pathak, S., Jackson, G.L., Hughes, J.I., “Cytogenetics of Colon Cancer.” Second International Conference of Anticancer Research, Saronia, Greece, October 11-15, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., “Fibrosarcoma of the Head and Neck.” The Methodist Hospital Tumor Board, Houston, Texas, November 1, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., “General Surgery Update.” Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, November 11, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., “Advances in Cancer Research.” Presentation to the Greater Houston Unit of the American Cancer Society’s Board of Directors, Houston, Texas, November 15, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., Katz, R.L., “Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy-Personal Experience in a Large Outpatient Clinic.” Annual Meeting of the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Temple, Texas, January 26-28, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Screening and Initial Diagnostic Techniques.” 30th Annual John Tomlin Memorial Cancer Lectures, Carcinoma of the Breast, American Cancer Society, Medford, Oregon, August 11, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Surgical Treatment of the Thyroid.” Basic Science Course Lecture, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, September 30, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of the Breast.” Annual Meeting of the Texas Surgical Society, El Paso, Texas, October 2, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Cancer Screening Guidelines and the Primary Care Physician.” Kelsey-Seybold Foundation’s retreat for Kelsey-Seybold Clinic physicians/Del Lago, Conroe, Texas, October 20- 21, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Surgical Treatment of the Parathyroid.” Basic Science Course Lecture, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, October 28, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., “Fine Needle Aspiration of the Thyroid: Techniques and Cytology.” Annual Meeting of the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, January 26, 1990.
Vernon, SW, Laville, EA. Jackson, G.L., Hughes, J.I., “An Intervention to Increase Participation in a Work Site Cancer Screening Program.” Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in New York, New York, September 30, 1990.
Vernon, SW, Hughes, J.I., Heckel, V., Jackson, G.L., “Quality of Care for Colorectal Cancer.” Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in New York, New York, September 30, 1990.
Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V., Thomas, S., Jackson, G.L., Pathak, S. “Identification of Colon Cancer-Predisposed Individuals: A Cytogenetic Analysis,” Presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 29-31, 1990.
Jackson, G.L., Heckel, V., Vernon, S., Conoley, P., “Mode of Resolution of Suspicious Mammograms: Evaluation Using a High Risk Registry.” Annual Meeting of the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons in Galveston, Texas, February 14-16, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., Gorten, R., “Clinical Usefulness of Dual Radionuclide Subtraction Imaging in Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy.” Annual Meeting of the Texas Surgical Society in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 8-9, 1991
Jackson, G.L., “Cancer Screening.” Presentation made at Baylor College of Medicine for the 15th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine, Houston, Texas, and May 3, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Analysis for Colon Neoplasia-Genetic Predisposition?” 5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer, Turin, Italy, September 24-26, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., “Relationship between the Surgeon and Pathologist.” Charles University Medical School in Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 30, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., “Breast Cancer Treatment.” Charles University Medical School in Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 30, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Analysis for Colon Neoplasia-Genetic Predisposition?” Fall Meeting of the Texas Surgical Society in Houston, Texas, October 6-8, 1991.
Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V., Chumchal, H., Heckel, V., Meche, C., Jackson, G.L., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Identification of Colon Cancer Patients.” 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in Boston, Massachusetts, October 14-16, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., “Cancer Therapy in the Cardiac Patient.” Presentation made at the Frontiers in Cardiology 1992 Meeting in Winter Park, Colorado, January 7-12, 1992.
Heckel, V.M., Jackson, G.L., Vernon, SW, “Experience of the Design and Implementation of a Computerized Questionnaire in a large Multispecialty Practice.” Annual Meeting of the Association of Community Cancer Centers in Washington, DC, March 14-16, 1992.
Jackson, G.L., Gorten, RJ, Millis, RE “Clinical Usefulness of Nuclear Imaging in Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy.” Annual Session of the Texas Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, May 14-16, 1992.
Hughes, J.I., Vernon, S., Heckel, V.M., Jackson, G.L., “A Comparison of Quality of Care for Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in a Fee-For-Service and Health Maintenance Organization Practice,” Presented to the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of the American Gastroenterological Association, Digestive Disease Week, San Francisco, CA, May 14-15 1992.
Jackson, G.L., Gorten, RJ, Millis, RE, “Clinical Usefulness of Nuclear Imaging in Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy.” Third International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, San Francisco California, July 26-30, 1992.
Jackson, G.L., “Recent Developments in Pheochromocytoma and Other Cardiovascular and Endocrine Disorders.” Annual Frontiers in Cardiology Meeting, Winter Park, Colorado, January 5-10, 1993.
Heckel, V.M., Jackson, G.L., Conoley, P.M., Vernon, SW, Hughes, J.I., “The Design and Implementation of a Computerized Questionnaire for a Mammography Program in a Large Multispecialty Practice.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology in Tucson, Arizona, March 20-25, 1993.
Jackson, G.L., Heckel, V.M., Pathak, S., Hopwood, V.L., Hughes, J.I., “Genetic Markers for Breast Cancer Risk? Chromosomal Analysis of Blood Cultures.” Annual Meeting of the American Radium Society in Aruba, April 24-28, 1993.
Jackson, G.L., Vernon, SW, Heckel, V.M., “Outcomes of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Is There a Difference with Respect to Type of Health Plan?” Annual Meeting of the South Texas Chapter of American College of Surgeons, February 17-19, 1994, Houston, Texas.
Jackson, G.L., Vernon, SW, Heckel, V.M., “Outcomes of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Is There a Difference With Respect To Type of Health Plan?” Spring Semi-Annual Meeting of the Texas Surgical Society April 10-12, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.
Jackson, G. L., “New Developments in Gallbladder Surgery on Cardiac Patients”, Annual Frontiers of Cardiology Meeting, Houston, Texas January 3-8, 1995.
Jackson, G.L., Presentation made at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Continuing Medical Education entitled “Breast Cancer and the Total Woman: A Comprehensive Approach to Detection and Treatment”, Houston, Texas, March 2, 1995.
Jackson, G.L., Improved Trends in Utilization of Resources and Clinical Outcomes for Surgical Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism. Fourth International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. Toronto, Canada July 31, 1996.
Jackson, G.L., Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration. Clinical usefulness. Invited lecturer at annual meeting of Texas Medical Association at Pathology section meeting, Houston, TX. May 17, 1997.
Jackson, G. L., Thyroid Cancer. Presentation at Houston Northwest Medical Center, December 2, 1997 Physician Oncology Education Program, Texas Medical Association.
Jackson, G. L., Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer. June 18, 1998. Texas State Cancer Registrars Meeting. Houston, TX.
Jackson, G.L., Role of Parotidectomy for Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck. Alando J. Ballantyne Memorial Symposium, MD Anderson Cancer Center, September 25, 1998.
Jackson, G.L., Update from the Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons. 27th Annual Education Conference, Texas Tumor Registrars Association. October 20, 1999.
Houston, TX.
Jackson, G.L., Post-operative care of the patient undergoing parathyroid and thyroid surgery. Nursing education conference, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital. October, 2010
Poster Presentations:
Hopwood, V.L., Pathak, S., Hortobagyi, G., Katz, R.L., Jackson, G.L., “Chromosome Alterations in Familial Breast Cancer.” Poster presentation. Fortieth Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research/Genetic Mechanisms and Cancer, October, 1987.
Jackson, G.L., Kemp, K.I., Conoley, P.M., Htain, M., Raphael, P., “The Impact of a New Classification System for Mammographic Reporting at a Large Multispecialty Clinic.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, New Orleans, May 22-25, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., Katz, R., “Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy-Personal Experience in a Large Outpatient Clinic.” Poster presentation. Second International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Boston, Mass, August 1-5, 1988.
Jackson, G.L., Kemp, K.I., Conoley, P.M., Htain, M., Raphael, P., “The Impact of a New Classification System for Mammographic Reporting at a Large Multispecialty Clinic.” Poster presentation. 11th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, November 29-30, 1988.
Hughes, J.I., Jackson G.L., Heckel V., “A Four Year Experience with an Ambulatory Primary and Screening Interventions for Colorectal Cancer Control,” Poster Presentation, American Society of Preventive Oncology, Bethesda, Maryland, March 20, 1989.
Jackson, G.L., Kemp, K.I., Conoley, P.M., et al. “A Computerized Mammography Tracking System That Ensures Surgical Follow-Up.” Poster presentation. 33rd World Congress of Surgery, Toronto, Canada, September 10-16, 1989.
Pathak, S., Hopwood, V.L., Jackson, G.L., Hortobagyi, G.N., “Potential Marker for Breast Cancer Risk? Evidence for 1Q Region Chromosome Abnormalities.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Washington, DC, May 20, 1990.
Jackson, G.L., Conoley, P.M., Heckel, V., Vernon, SW, “Computerized Tracking System Using a New Mammogram Classification System.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Oncology, Orlando, Florida, August 8, 1990.
Jackson, G.L., Conoley, P.M., Heckel, V., Vernon, SW, “A Computerized Mammogram Classification System That Ensures Appropriate Surgical Follow-up.” Poster presentation. International Cancer Congress, Hamburg, Germany, August 17, 1990.
Hopwood, V.L., Hortobagyi, G.N., Jackson, G.L., and Pathak, S., “Chromosome Anomaly in Human Breast Cancer: Evidence for Specific Involvement of 1Q Region.” Poster presentation. 12th Annual Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, December 8, 1990.
Jackson, G.L., Pathak, S., Hopwood, V., Vernon, S., Hortobagyi, G., Heckel, V., Hughes, J., “Chromosome Alterations in Breast Carcinoma: A Potential Marker for Primary Prevention.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Preventive Oncology in Seattle, Washington, April 10-12, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., Heckel, V.M., Conoley, P.M., “Mode of Resolution of Suspicious Mammograms- Evaluation Using a High Risk Registry.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Orlando, Florida, August 24-27, 1991.
Jackson, G.L., Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V.L., Heckel, V.M., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Analysis for Colon Neoplasia-Genetic Predisposition.” Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology, Bethesda, Maryland, March 12-14, 1992.
Gorten, RJ, Millis, RE, Jackson, G.L., “The Clinical Value of Dual Radionuclide Subtraction Imaging in Hypercalcemic Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy.” Poster presentation.
Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, 17th Western Regional Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 22-25, 1992.
Heckel, V.M., Jackson, G. L., Hughes, J.I., “The Design and Implementation of Computerized Questionnaires for Mammography and GI patients in a Large Multi-Specialty Practice.” Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. New Orleans, La. October 28-November 1, 1995
David Lawson, D, Russell,M Zager, Wilkinson,J, Jackson, GL, Greisinger,A, Amaria,RN, Stephen Lyle,S, Johnson,C, Middlebrook, BS, Oelschlager,K, Cranmer, L, Windham,C, M, Stone,J Maetzold, D, Cook,R, Delman,K, Ferris,L, Gerami, P, Gonzalez,R:Continued Evaluation of a 31-Gene Expression Profile test (GEP) for Prediction of distant metastases (DM) in Cutaneous Melanoma (CM) poster presentation American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2015.
C. Publications:
- Full papers:
Jackson, GL and Thal, ER “Management of Stab Wounds of the Back and Flank.” Journal of Trauma 19:660-664, 1979.
Weigelt, JA, Jackson, GL, and Mitchell, R.A. “Effects of 100 Percent Inspired Oxygen on Shunt Calculation.” Current Surgery May-June 211-213, 1980.
Jackson, GL and Thal, ER “Management of Stab Wounds of the Back and Flank.” Current Surgery May-June pg. 217-219, 1980.
Jackson, GL, Luna, MA, and Byers, RM. “The Results of Surgery and the Selective Use of Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer of the Parotid Gland.” International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics March pg. 85, 1981.
Hickey, R.C., Samaan, NA, and Jackson, GL “Hypercalcemia in Patients with Breast Cancer.” Archives of Surgery 116:545-552, 1981.
Jackson, GL, and Ballantyne, A.J. “The Role of Parotidectomy for Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck.” American Journal of Surgery 142:464-469, 1981.
Ballantyne, A.J. and Jackson, GL “Synchronous Bilateral Neck Dissection. American Journal of Surgery 144:452-455, 1982.
Jackson, GL, Luna, MA and Byers, RM. “Results of Surgery Alone and Surgery Combined with Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer of the Parotid Gland. American Journal of Surgery 146:497-500, 1983.
Jackson, P.M., Jackson, GL, Kemp, K., Bauman, DH, Ota, DM, and Jones, LA “Development of a Breast Cancer Screening and Research Program. Progress in Clinical & Biological Research, 216:71-78, 1986.
Ota, DM, Jones LA, Jackson GL, Jackson P.M., Kemp K., Bauman D. “Obesity, Non-protein- bound Estradiol Levels, and Distribution of Estradiol in the Sera of Breast Cancer Patients.
Cancer, 57(3): 558-62, February 1, 1986.
Jones, LA, Jackson, GL, et al. “Protein-Bound and Albumin-Bound Estradiol as Markers in Breast Cancer Risk Assessment,” The Cancer Bulletin, Volume 38, Number 3, 1986.
Jackson, GL, Zimmerman, L.J., “Breast Cancer Surgery in the 1980’s,” The Kelsey-Seybold Report, May 1987.
Zimmerman, L., Jackson, GL, Hughes, J., Minkoff, M. “Cancer Education and Screening in the Workplace: The Corporate Perspective,” Progress in Clinical & Biological Research, 248:109- 19, 1987.
Jones, LA, Ota, DM, Jackson, GL, Jackson, P.M., Kemp, K.I., Anderson, DE, McClamant, SK, Bauman, DH, “Bioavailability of Estradiol as a Marker for BCA Risk Assessment,” Cancer Re- search, Vol. 47, pg. 5224-5229, October 1987.
Kemp, K.I., Jackson, GL, “A Simple Classification System for Mammographic Reporting.” Radiology. 165(2), pg. 319-22, November 1987.
Kulkarni, P.K., Vernon, SW, Jackson, GL, “Stage at Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: Comparison in a Fee-for-Service and Health Maintenance Organization Practice.” Medical Care, June 1989, Vol. 27, No. 6, pg. 608-622.
Laville, EA. Vernon, SW, Jackson, GL, Hughes, J.I., “Comparison of Participants and Nonparticipants in a Work Site Cancer Awareness Program.” Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1989, Vol. 31, No. 3, pg. 221-232.
Jackson, GL, Pathak, S., Jones, LA, Vogel, V., Kemp K.I., Ota, DM, Kulkarni, P., Vernon, SW, Conoley, P., Hopwood, V., “Breast Cancer Screening-Individualized Risk Assessment and
Application of New Research Technology: Non-Protein Bound Estradiol and Chromosome Analysis.” Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 293:271-8, 1989.
Vernon, SW, Laville, EA. Jackson, GL, “Participation in Breast Screening Programs: A Review.” Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 30, No. 10, pg. 1107-1118, 1990.
Dhaliwal, M.K., Hughes, J.I., Jackson, GL, Pathak, S., “Multiple Polyposis Coli Associated with Gardner’s Syndrome and Chromosomal Mosaicism: A Family Analysis.” The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 85:7, pg. 880-883, July 1990.
Pathak, S., Hopwood, V.L., Hortobagyi, N., Jackson GL, Hughes, J.I., Mellilo, D., “Chromosome Anomalies in Human Breast Cancer: Evidence for Specific Involvement of 1q Region in Lymphocyte Cultures.” Anticancer Research, 11(3): 1055-60 May – June 1991.
Pathak, S., Hopwood, V.L., Hughes, J.I., Jackson, GL, “Identification of Colon Cancer- Predisposed Individuals: A Cytogenetic Analysis.” The American Journal of Gastroenterology, June 1991, Vol. 86, No. 6, pp. 679-84.
Vernon, S., Vogel, V., Halabi, S., Jackson, GL, Lundy, R., Peters, G., “Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors and Attitudes in Three Racial/Ethnic Groups.” Cancer, January 1992, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 165-174.
Vernon, SW, Gilstrap, EL, Jackson, GL, Hughes, J.I., “An Intervention to Increase Participation in a Work Site Cancer Screening Program.” Health Values, December 1992, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 3-9.
Vernon SW, Hughes JI, Heckel V.M. Jackson GL. Quality of Care for Colorectal Cancer in a Fee-for-Service and Health Maintenance Organization Practice. Cancer 69(10): 2418-2425, 1992.
Dave, B.J., Hopwood, V.L., Hughes, J.I., Jackson, G.L., Melillo, D., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Colon Cancer Patients: A Comparison of T- and B-Lymphocytes.” Anticancer Research, 1993, Vol. 13, pp. 433-438.
Dave BJ, Hopwood VL, Hughes JI, Melillo D, Jackson GL, Pathak S. “Nonrandom Chromosomal Abnormalities in Lymphocyte Cultures of Individuals with Colorectal Polyps and of Asymptomatic Relatives of Patients with Colorectal Cancer or Polyps.” Cancer Epidemio Biomarkers Prev. 2:587-591, 1993.
Jackson, G.L., Heckel, V.M., Pathak, S., Hopwood, V.L., Hughes, J.I., “Genetic Markers for Breast Cancer Risk? Chromosomal Analysis of Blood Cultures.” Cancer, May 1993.
Clasen CM, Vernon SW, Mullen PD, Jackson GL. “A Survey of Physician Beliefs and Self- Reported Practices Concerning Screening for Early Detection of Cancer.” Soc. Sci. Med 39(6): 841-849, 1994.
Vernon, SW, Heckel, V., Jackson, G.L., “Medical Outcomes of Care for Breast Cancer among Health Maintenance Organization and Fee-for-Service Patients.” Clinical Cancer Research Vol. 1, pp. 179-184, February 1995.
Jackson, G.L., “Impact of Managed Care on Oncology Research.” Physician Byline March 1995. St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital.
Jackson, G.L, Heckel, V., Yoakley, G., “Improved Trends in Utilization of Resources and Clinical Outcomes for Surgical Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism. Final Program and Abstract Book, 4th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. July 28-August 1, 1996.
Jackson, G. L. Malignant Melanoma, Diagnosis and Treatment. Cancer Program, Crump Cancer Center, Kelsey Seybold Clinic, 2010 Annual Report of 2009 Data. Pp. 26-31.
December 2010.
Jackson, G.L., Camacho, L.H., Cutaneous Melanoma Update: The St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Experience versus NCNB Statistics. 2011 Cancer Program Annual Report of 2010 Facts and Figures. St. Luke’s Cancer Center, October, 2011
Kaiser, A., Mohiuddin, M.M, M.M., Jackson, G.L., Dramatic Response from Neoadjuvant, spatially fractionated GRID radiotherapy (SFGRT) for large, high-grade extremity Sarcoma. Journal of Radiation Oncology 2013 2:103-106.
Gerami,P., Cook,RW,Wilkinson,j,Russell,MC,Dhillon,N, Amaria,RN, Gonzalez, R, Lyle, S, Johnson,CE, Oelschlager,KM, Jackson,GL, Greisinger,A, Maetzold,D, Delman,KA, Lawson,DH, Stone,JF, Devolpment of a Prognostic Genetic Signature to Predict the Metastatic Risk Associated with Cutaneous Melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2015; 21(1):175-183.
Gerami P., Cook,RW, Russell MC, Wilkinson J, Amaria, Gonzalez R, Lyle S, Jackson GL, Greisinger, AJ, Johnson,CE, Oelschlager,KM, Stone, JF, Maetzold,DJ, Ferris, LK, Wayne, JD, Cooper, C, Obregon, R, Delman, KA, Lawson, D. Gene Expression Profiling for Molecular Staging of Cutaneous Melanoma in Patients undergoing Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015.
Spandana JB, Riconda DL, Zheng, F, Jackson Gilchrist, Suo L, Robbins RJ. Features of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 and 2A in a Patient with Both RET and MEN1 Germline Mutations. J of the Endocrine Society. 2020;4(4)1-6.
- Abstracts given during last 3 years: N/A
Prior Abstracts, published:
Jackson, G.L., Conoley, P.M., Kemp, K.I., “Computerized Tracking System Using New Mammogram Classification System.” Published in the 1990 Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V.L., Thomas, S., Jackson, G.L., Pathak, S., “Identification of Colon Cancer-Predisposed Individuals: A Cytogenetic Analysis,” The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 85, No. 9, Page 1279, September 1990.
Jackson, G.L., Heckel, V., Vernon, S., Conoley, P., “Mode of Resolution of Suspicious Mammograms: Evaluation Using a High Risk Registry.” Published in the Meeting Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Houston, Texas, May 1991.
Hughes, J.I., Hopwood, V., Chumchal, H., Heckel, V., Meche, C., Jackson, G.L., Pathak, S., “Cytogenetic Identification of Colon Cancer Patients,” The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 86, No. 9, Page 1355, September 1991.
Gorten RJ, Millis RE, Jackson GL. “The Clinical Usefulness of Nuclear Imaging in Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy.” Clin Nuclear Med 17:254, 1992.
Vernon, S., Vogel, V., Halabi, S., Jackson, G.L., Lundy, R., Peters, G. “Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors and Attitudes in Three Racial/Ethnic Groups.” Clin Digest Series, 1992.
Jackson GL, Gorten, RJ, Vernon SW, Heckel VM. Trends in Clinical Outcomes of Patients Surgically Treated for Hyperparathyroidism in a Large Multi-Specialty Clinic. 36th World Congress, International Surgical Week ISW 95, August 1995.
- Books-chapters: Book Chapters:
Ballantyne, A.J. and Jackson, G.L. “Neck Dissection and Management of a Mass in the Neck.” Surgical Oncology, John Wiley and Sons, 1983.
Vernon, SW, Jackson, G.L., Social Support and the Outcomes of Breast Cancer.” Aging, Stress and Health. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 1989.
Jackson, G.L., Ballantyne, M.M. Alando J. Ballantyne M.D., A Texas Medical Center Giant, The History of Surgery in Houston, Fifty-Year Anniversary of the Houston Surgical Society 1998., edited by Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D. Eakin Press. Austin, Texas.
- Other works communicating research to general public:
Letters to Editor:
Jackson, GL, “Update on the Surgical Management of Melanoma.” (Letter to the Editor), Oncology Journal Club, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1988.
Jackson GL. Comment/letter re: Doctors Debate Different Breast Biopsy Techniques. J Natl Cancer Inst. 86(3): 238-239, 1994.
Jackson GL. Management of the Neck in Parotid Cancer. American Journal of Surgery 1998 175:435.
III. Teaching Information: A: Didactic course work: N/A
- Non-didactic teaching
- Houston Methodist Hospital June 2017 to present: Cadaver lab at MITIE teaching sessions with Surgery Residents. Multiple teaching sessions in operating room and with patient care HMH Surgical Residents and Texas A & M medical students on Surgery rotation.
- Resident training: teaching residents in Surgery, ENT, Internal Medicine, and Plastic Surgery associated with Baylor College of Medicine and UT Houston School of Medicine-many hours 1981 to
Teaching Rounds, Veterans Administration Hospital, January to April, 1983
Ben Taub Hospital Teaching Rounds: January-April, 1983; May-August, 1985; September- December, 1986; June-August, 1988.
- Medical student training: Baylor College of Medicine, and foreign on core rotation and senior elective in Surgical
C. Lectures:
- International: Visiting Professor Charles University; Prague, Czechoslovakia September 30, 1991
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Tumor Conferences:
Parotid Neoplasm, Diagnosis and Treatment, January 1982 Thyroid Cancer and Clinical Aspects, January 1983
Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Early Detection, January 1985
Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Stage 1 Malignant Melanoma, January 1986 Abnormal Mammogram-What Next? January 1987
Intraoperative Pathologic Diagnosis, January 1988
Cancer Screening Guidelines and the Primary Care Physician, January 1989 Breast Cancer: Computer and Chromosomes, January 1990
Cancer Screening, January 1991 Carcinoid tumors, November 2001 Soft Tissue Sarcoma, November 2002
Head and Neck Surgery, Operating Room-Nursing Residency Training Program, March, 1992
Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital. Symposium at Sigler Exhibit, May 1995
Cancer Survivors Day Conference/Panel, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, June 15, 1999
Fine Needle Biopsy of the Thyroid, Surgery Conference Ben Taub Hospital, December 1986 Lectures to the public through the American Cancer Society-multiple 1981 to 1990
IV. Medical & Service Information
- Patient care responsibilities: Inpatient and outpatient patient Present Title and Affiliation:
Surgical Oncology, Endocrine Surgery
Houston Methodist Surgical Associates
6550 Fannin St. Smith Tower
Suite 1661
Houston, TX 77030
Surgical Oncology, Head and Neck Surgery, General Surgery Texas Oncology Surgical Specialist 04/01/2016-2017.
Kelsey Seybold Clinic, Department of Surgery 07/1981 to 12/2015
Hospital Clinical Privileges:
Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Houston, TX, Active Staff The Methodist Hospital, Houston TX, Courtesy Staff Woman’s Hospital, Houston TX Courtesy Staff.
B. Clinical laboratory responsibilities: N/A
- National education or voluntary health organization participation:
American Cancer Society:
Houston: Texas:
- President/1987-89 1) Board Member at Large 1985-90
- Vice President/1985-87 2) Executive Committee Member
- Board Member 3) Service & Rehabilitation Committee
- Medical & Scientific Past Member
Chairman 4) Medical and Scientific Committee
- Service & Rehabilitation Member
Past Chairman 5) Scientific Review Committee-Texas
- Executive Committee Member Breast Screening Project
- Professional Education 1987-1990 Past Chairman
Member of the Medical Advisory Board: Thyroid Society of America
D. Administrative assignments:
St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital/BSLMC:
Medical Executive Committee-at large member 1999-2001
Member Executive Committee, Texas Cancer Institute, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital Steering Committee/Phase II Oncology Program Development
Cancer Liaison Physician, American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer, 1989 -2017.
Principal Investigator, National Initiative on Cancer Care Quality (NICCQ) Principal Investigator, Texas Community Oncology Network (TCON) 1992-1997 Civil Defense Disaster Committee, 1982-88.
Emergency Services Committee, 1984-87. Quality Care Committee, 1985-90.
Cancer Advisory Committee, 1985-90 Human Subjects Committee, IRB, 1985-91.
Medical Education Research and Publications Committee and Sub-committee, 1986-91. Surgical Service Record Screening Committee, 1987-91.
Task Force on Pathology, 1990 to 1994 Credentials Committee, 1991.
Chairman, Tumor Registry Sub-committee
LIS (Laboratory Information Systems) Physician Advisory Committee Cancer Committee 1982 to 2017
Cancer Advisory Committee, 1992 to 2017.
Cancer Research Committee, 1992 to 2017
Cancer Prevention Committee, 1992 to 2017. Oncology Marketing Committee, 1992 to 2017
Oncology Collaborative Practice Team, 1994 to 2017.
Nutrition Subcommittee, 1995.
Cancer Program Task Force, 1995 to 2017. Medical Leadership Council, 1995 to 2017. Cancer Committee 1982 to 2017
Cancer Leadership Subcommittee 2014 to 2017
Houston Methodist Hospital:
Cancer Committee, 1989-90.
Cancer Committee, 2018 to present.
MD Anderson Physician Advisory Board
Kelsey-Seybold Foundation/Kelsey-Seybold Clinic: Chief of Surgery 2001 to 2010
Associate Chief of Surgery 1999-2001 Executive Board 2001 to 2004
Chairman, Cancer Committee 1998 to 2015 Ambulatory Surgery Advisory Committee 1999 to 2010
KSC/MD Anderson Cancer Manager Program working group 1997 to 2001 Peer Review Committee 2001 to 2008
Coding and Compliance Committee 2001 to 2015 SLEH/KS Collaborative Committee
Medical Director, Cancer Prevention Center 1984-95 Medical Director, Kelsey-Seybold Cancer Program 1994-95
Medical Director, Joe and Jessie Crump Center for Clinical Cancer Research and Education, 1984-1995
Cancer Program Liaison Physician, American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer 1986 to 2004
Chairman, Cancer Program Steering Committee 1986-1995
Kelsey-Seybold Foundation/Cancer Prevention Center Cancer Conference 1986 -1995 Utilization Management Task Force 1994 to 2015
Chairman, Breast Diagnostic Protocol Subcommittee, 1994-96.
Principal Investigator, Texas Community Oncology Network (Consortium Member) Principal Investigator, National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project 1989-95 ACCC Medical Director Special Interest Group
Local, State, National, International Committees: Texas Cancer Registry Workgroup, 1999 to 2002
Scientific Program Committee, Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, 1990-91.
Delegate, Medical Director Special Interest Group, Association of Community Cancer Centers, 1992-94.
State Colorectal Cancer task force 2001
F. Other pertinent information not given above:
Community Activities:
First Presbyterian Church, Ushers Guild
Colonel, the Honorable Society of Kentucky Colonels
Student Recruitment Committee Houston for Vanderbilt University Member, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Member, Museum of Natural Science, Houston
Board Member, West University Little League, 1989-90.
Advisory Board, Stella Link Educational/Recreational Corridor Project Guest speaker on local radio and TV shows, churches
Revised July 20, 2020.